Au/aur Pronouns


au/aur are gender neutral neopronouns which can be used regardless of gender or identity.

Name Subject Object Determiner Pronoun Reflexive
au/aur au aur auras auras auraself

What are au/aur pronouns?

au/aur are preffered pronouns used to describe a person. When someone uses the au/aur pronouns this means that they prefer to be referred to using those pronouns.
Don't know which pronouns to use?
Don't know which pronouns to use? If you are unsure of a persons pronouns it's always best to refer to them as they/them
How to use au/aur pronouns
  • au is going to the store to buy chips.
  • I met aur at the bus station today.
  • I played Pokemon on auras Nintendo switch.
  • au took Buttons to the vet auraself.
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