Pronouns List

Pronouns List is the most inclusive and user-friendly list of personal pronouns, neopronouns and their meanings with usage examples. Quickly search through 762 pronouns, find their meaning and link them from your social bio.

Name Subject Object Determiner Pronoun Reflexive
he/him he him his his himself
she/her she her hers hers herself
ae/aer ae aer aer aers aerself
ay/em ey em eir eirs emself
fae/faer fae faer faer faers faerself
xe/xem xe xem xyr xyrs xemself
ze/hir ze hir hir hirs hirself
ze/zir ze zir zir zirs zirself
co/cos co co cos co's coself
e/em e em eir eirs emself
e/em/es e em es ems emself
hu/hum hu hum hus hus huself
ne/nem ne nem nir nirs nemself
ne/nir ne nir nir nirs nirself
per/per per per per pers perself
s/he s/he hir hir hirs hirself
thon/thons thon thon thons thon's thonself
ve/ver ve ver vis vers verself
vi/ver vi ver vis virs verself
vi/vim vi vim vis vims vimself
zhe/zher zhe zher zher zhers zherself
bun/bun bun bun buns buns bunself
tei/ter tei ter ter ters terself
e/hem e hem hes hes hemself
they/them they them theirs theirs theirself
er/ero er ero eros eros eroself
thou/thee thou thee thy thine thyself
pi/pika pi pika pika pikas piself
fai/fairy fai fairy fair fairys fairyself
Hy/hym Hy hym hys Hys Hymself
Poison/Poison Poison Poison Poisons Poisons Poisonself
Cer/Cerise Cer Cerise Cerise Cerises Ceriseself
mao/mao mao mao maos maos maoself
mrr/mrrp mrr mrrp mrrps mrrps mrrpself
pitter/patter pitter patter pitters patters pitterself
deity/deity deity deity deitys deitys deityself
xey/xem xey xem xyr xyrs xemself
hy/hyp hy hyp hyper hypers hypself
Honk/Honk Honk Honk honks honks Honkself
puppy/puppy puppy puppy pups pups pupself
cloud/cloud cloud cloud clouds clouds cloudself
bat/bat bat bat bats bats batself
fox/fox fox fox foxs foxs foxself
nya/nyan nya nyan nyans nyans nyanself
kitty/kitty kitty kitty kittys kittys kitself
pup/purr pup purr pups pups purrself
star/star star star stars stars starself
Pup/Pup Pup Pup Pups Pups Pupself
zhe/her zhe her her herz herzelf
ro/rose ro rose roses roses roseself
Dex/Dex Dex Dex dexz dexz Dexself
Gi/Gir Gi Gir Gir girs Girself
Be/Berry Be Berry berrys Berrys Berryself
Ci/Cipher Ci Cipher ciphers ciphers Cipherself
Deu/Deu Deu Deu Deus deus Deuself
Ser/Sera Ser Sera Seras seras Seraphself
in/indo in indo indols indols indolentself
slo/sloth slo sloth sloths sloths slothself
a/arro a arro arrogas arrogas arrogantself
pri/pride pri pride prides prides prideself
glu/glutto glu glutto gluttony gluttonys gluttonyself
vo/vor vo vor voraci voracis voraciousself
wra/wrath wra wrath wraths wraths wrathself
fu/fury fu fury furio furious furiouself
en/envy en envy envys envys envyself
je/jeal je jeal jeal jealous jealouself
lu/lust lu lust lusts lusts lustself
rep/tile rep tile reps reps reptileself
lasci/lasciv lasci lasciv lascivious lascivious lasciviouself
gre/greed gre greed greed greeds greedself
li/liz li liz lizards lizards lizardself
abey/abem abey abem abir abirs abemself
aby/abm aby abm abeir abeirs abmself
yo/yom yo yom yor yors yomself
jun/junt jun junt juntos juntos juntoself
mach/machi mach machi machin machines machineself
ca/care ca care cares cares careself
bea/beam bea beam beams beams beamself
Mura/Murasa Mura Murasa Muras Muras Murasakinoself
vjo/vjol vjo vjol vjolas vjolas vjolaself
ro/rox ro rox roxos roxos roxoself
lanu/viole lanu viole lanus violes lanu violeself
phe/phere phe phere pher phers phereseself
Fia/Fialo Fia Fialo Fialovs Fialovs Fialováself
wun/wung wun wung wungus wungus wunguself
zamb/zamba zamb zamba zambar zambars zambarauself
li/lil li lil lilas lilas lilaself
mor/mor mor mor mors mors morself
siyo/siyoh siyo siyoh siyohr siyohrs siyohrangself
por/for por for porffors porffors porfforself
mfu/mfus mfu mfus mfusas mfusas mfusaself
el/eles el eles eleses eleses eleseself
ons/onsom ons onsom onsomis onsomis onsomiself
shi/shiy shi shiy shiyas shiyas shiyaself
kwa/kwam kwa kwam kwamis kwamis kwamiself
tic/tic tic tic tics tics ticself
tour/toure tour toure tourettes tourettes touretteself
Knu/Knul Knu Knul Knullas Knullas Knullaself
Vio/Viole Vio Viole Violetti Violettis Violettiself
cotton/candy cotton candy candies candies cottonself
ly/lyc ly lyc lycans lycans lycanself
bite/bite bite bite bites bites biteself
pop/bop pop bop bops pops bopself
vi/vik vi vik vikins viking vikingself
chem/chemic chem chemic chemical chemicals chemicself
t/t t t t's t's tself
iv/iv iv iv ivs ivs ivself
z/z z z z's z's zself
se/hir se hir hir hirs hirself
phi/phim phi phim phir phirs phirself
ye/yem ye yem yer yers yemself
we/wem we wem wer wers wemself
ve/vem ve vem ver vers vemself
ue/uem ue uem uer uers uemself
te/tem te tem ter ters temself
se/sem se sem ser sers semself
re/rem re rem rer rers remself
qe/qem qe qem qer qers qemself
pe/pem pe pem per pers pemself
oe/oem oe oem oer oers oemself
de/dem de dem demo demos demoself
fi/fien fi fien fiend fiends fiendself
de/dim de dim dis dis dimself
eel/eel eel eel eels eels eelself
lamprey/lamprey lamprey lamprey lampreys lampreys lampreyself
fae/faen fae faen faer faers faenself
fla/flae fla flae flaem flaes flaeself
exe/exe exe exe exe exes txtself
nyc/nycto nyc nycto nyctos nyctos nyctoself
cry/cryp cry cryp crys crys crypself
me/mem me mem mer mers memself
le/lem le lem ler lers lemself
ke/kem ke kem ker kers kemself
je/jem je jem jer jers jemself
ie/iem ie iem ier iers iemself
he/hem he hem her hers hemself
ge/gem ge gem ger gers gemself
fe/fem fe fem fer fers femself
ee/eem ee eem eer eers eemself
ce/cem ce cem cer cers cemself
Be/Bem Be Bem Bir Birs Bemself
Ae/Aem Ae Aem Aeir Aeirs Aemself
bri/brigh bri brigh brigh brighs brightself
Kie/Kym Kie Kym Kir Kirs Kymself
Nie/Nym Nie Nym Nyr Nyrs Nymself
Sie/Sym Sie Sym Ser Sers Symself
Xe/Xym Xe Xym Xyr Xyrs Xymself
Mie/Mim Mie Mim Mir Mirs Mimself
idol/idol idol idol idols idols idolself
ce/cer ce cer cem cers cerself
3/3 3 3 3s 3s 3self
vi/vir vi vir virus virus viruself
han/ham han ham hans hans han selv
king/king king king kings king's kingself
ix/ix ix ix ixs ixs ixself
sly/slim sly slim sleir sleirs slimself
sli/slime sli slime slimes slimes slimeself
sly/sly sly sly sly’s sly’s slyself
doll/doll doll doll doll’s doll’s dollself
xe/xet xe xet xet xets xetself
ith/ith ith ith iths iths ithself
baby/baby baby baby baby's baby's babyself
Miku/Miku Miku Miku Mikur Mikurs Mikuself
wol/wolf wol wolf wolf wolfs wolfself
hor/horse hor horse horse horses horseself
boom/boomer boom boomer booms boomers boomerself
go/goth go goth goths goths gothself
vir/virg vir virg vir virgs virgoself
le/les le les lesb lesbians lesbianself
catboy/catboy catboy catboy catboys catboys catboyself
radio/radium radio radium radios radioactives radioactiveself
car/caru car caru cariad cariads cariadself
ef/fe ef fe ei ei ei hun
angel/angel angel angel angels angels angelself
Ze/zim Ze zim zir zirs zimself
mi/mim mi mim mimicks mimicks mimickself
you/you you you your yours yourself
hx/hxm hx hxm hxs hxs hxmself
bug/bug bug bug bugs bugs bugself
pocket/pocket pocket pocket pockets pockets pocketself
li/lim li lim liz liz lizelf
h*/h*m h* h*m h*s h*s h*mself
dae/daem dae daem daer daer daemself
Xe/Xim Xe Xim Xe's Xis Ximself
fla/flare fla flare flares flares flareself
spark/spark spark spark sparks sparks sparkself
lul/lul lul lul lulz lulz lulself
were/were were were wolf wolfs wereself
Medi/Medical Medi Medical Medical Medicals Mediself
ai/ai ai ai ais ais aisself
mi/mis mi mis mis mist mistself
Fa/Faun Fa Faun Faun Fauns Faunself
py/pyl py pyl pylx pylx pylxself
tee/tee tee tee tees tees teeself
fe/fea fe fea feas feas featherself
coo/coo coo coo coos coos cooself
zi/zip zi zip zips zipps zipperself
cryp/crypt cryp crypt crypt cryptis cryptidself
pey/pen pey pen pens pens penself
ce/cev ce cev cevs cevs cevself
se/sev se sev sevs sevs sevenself
the/then the then thens thens thenself
Ze/Zer Ze Zer Zer Zers Zeroself
Brai/Brain Brai Brain Brains Brains Brainself
leo/leo leo leo leos leos leoself
Ti/Tiel Ti Tiel Tiels Tiels Tielself
Chi/Chit Chi Chit Chits Chits Chitterself
ciph/ciph ciph ciph ciphs ciphs cipherself
dae/daer dae daer daer daers daerselr
ciph/cipher ciph cipher ciphz ciphz cipherself
moon/moon moon moon moons moons moonself
mew/mew mew mew mews mews mewself
sno/snow sno snow snows snows snowself
pos/sum pos sum poss summ possumself
meow/meow meow meow meows meows meowself
nyan/nyan nyan nyan nyans nyans nyanself
0/0 0 0 0s 0s 0self
lin/linen lin linen linens linens linenself
xe/xen xe xen xeno xenos xenoself
li/lum li lum lumi lumis lumiself
zie/zier zie zier zier ziers zierself
Abyss/Abyss Abyss Abyss Abyssal Abyssals Abysself
ruler/rule ruler rule rulers rulers rulerself
zie/vaer zie vaer vaer vaers vaerself
yo/yor yo yor yors yors yordleself
glock/glocken glock glocken glockenspiels glockenspiels glockself
wick/wick wick wick wicks wicks wickself
3rr0r/3rr0r 3rr0r 3rr0r 3rr0rs 3rr0rs 3rr0r$3lf
90/90 90 90 90r 90s 9self0
ehs/reh ehs reh reh sreh flesreh
eh/mih eh mih sih sih flesmih
yeht/meht yeht meht rieht srieht flemeht
poppy/seed poppy seed poppyseeds poppys poppyseedself
poppyseed/poppyseed poppyseed poppyseed poppyseeds poppyseeds poppyseedself
of/of of of ofs ofs ofself
choke/choke choke choke choke chokes chokeself
mon/ster mon ster monsters monsters monstelf
that thing/it that thing it its that thing's itself
obje/ctum obje ctum objectum objectums objectuself
xhee/xhim xhee xhim xhir xheis xeeself
stim/stim stim stim stims stims stimself
price/princes price princes prince’s prince’s princeself
ze/zem ze zem zer zers zemself
k9/k9 k9 k9 k9s k9s k9self
co/co co co cos cos coself
ne/nym ne nym nir nir nymself
shae/shade shae shade shade shades shadeself
aw/warm aw warm warms warms warmself
lea/leaf lea leaf leaves leafs leafself
shey/shem shey shem sheir sheirs shemself
hal/hallo hal hallo hallos hallos halloweenself
pu/pum pu pum pums pums pumpkinself
Xi/Xem Xi Xem Xer Xers Ximself
lux/lucif lux lucif lucifs lucifs luxself
h3/h1m h3 h1m h15 h15 h1553lf
raw beef/raw beef raw beef raw beef raw beef’s raw beef’s raw beef’sself
e/e e e e e e
N/N N N Ns N's Nself
bun/bun bun bun bun’s bun’s bunself
Che/Chev Che Chev Chevs Chevs Chevself
anti/anti anti anti antis antis antiself
Witch/Witch's Witch Witch's Witch's Witches Witchself
cor/corpse cor corpse corpse corpses corpself
ang/angel ang angel anges angels angelself
6/6 6 6 6s 6s 6self
ne/nim ne nim nier niers nierself
ci/her ci her her hers herself
v/v v v vs vs vself
vee/vee vee vee vees vees veeself
pen/pent pen pent pentas pentas pentagramself
hann/hans hann hans hánum sín hann
ci/cir ci cir cir cirs cirself
auti/auti auti auti autis autis autiself
ci/hir ci hir hir hirs hirself
dae/dem dae dem deir deirs demself
fur/fren fur fren friends friends friendself
zi/zim zi zim ziz ziz zizelf
pika/pika pika pika pikas pikas pikaself
Dey/Dem Dey Dem Der Ders Demself
Sh3/H3r Sh3 H3r H3r H3rs H3rself
9/9 9 9 9s 9's 9self
Drop/Drip Drop Drip Drops Drips Dropself
note/note note note notes notes noteself
ghost/ghost ghost ghost ghost ghosts ghostself
Co/Coin Co Coin Coins Coins Coinself
wing/wing wing wing wings wings wingself
fin/fin fin fin fins fins finself
ceph/cephalopod ceph cephalopod cephas cephas cephaself
squid/squid squid squid squids squids squidself
eye strain/eye strain eye strain eye strain eye strains eye strains eye strains self
th*y/th*m th*y th*m th*ir th*irs th*mself
plu/plur plu plur plural plurals pluralself
sy/sys sy sys sys systems systemself
ti/mul ti mul multi multis multiself
ti/multi ti multi multi multis multiself
rad/radi rad radi radis radis radiself
Sae/Saer Sae Saer Saers Saers Saerself
Sae/Sae Sae Sae Saer Saer Saerself
7/7 7 7 7s 7s 7self
ei/eim ei eim heir heirs heimself
zhey/zhem zhey zhem zheir zheirs zhemself
hug/hug hug hug hugs hugs hugself
bey/bem bey bem beir beirs beeself
that/that that that it's it's itself
vae/vaem vae vaem vaeir vaeirs vaemself
th3y/th3m th3y th3m th31r th31rz th31mz53lf
cub/cub cub cub cubs cubs cubself
lor/lord lor lord lords lords lordself
cor/corps cor corps corpses corpses corpself
bon/bone bon bone bone bones boneself
sal/sal sal sal sals sals salself
bin/binn bin binn binns binns binnselph
prox/proxi prox proxi proxis proxis proxiser
an/anim an anim animal animals animalself
nine/nine nine nine nine nines nineself
ae/aeth ae aeth aethe aethes aeself
ti/ger ti ger tigers tigers tigerself
a/aro a aro aro aros aroself
a/ace a ace aces aces aceself
vi/vil vi vil vila vilas villainself
di/div di div divis divis divineself
cie/cir cie cir cir cirs cirself
Mage/Magi Mage Magi Mages Mages Mageself
she/hyr she hyr hyr hyrz hyrzelf
z3/z1m z3 z1m z1r z1rz z1rzelf
azu/azur azu azur azur azurs azurself
fool/fool fool fool fools fools foolself
che/chem che chem chems chems chemiself
gho/ghost gho ghost ghost ghosts ghostself
min/mino min mino mino mino minself
mush/mushs mush mushs mushs mushs mushself
diz/dizs diz dizs dizs dizs dizself
sun/suns sun suns suns suns sunself
sun/sun sun sun suns suns sunself
heir/heir heir heir heir heirs heirself
multiple/multiple multiple multiple multiples multiples multipleself
bork/bork bork bork bark barks barkself
bork/borks bork borks bark barks borkself
mad/mad mad mad mads mads madself
ram/ram ram ram rams rams ramself
necro/necrom necro necrom necrom necrom necself
ce/cet ce cet cets cets cetself
plural/plural plural plural plurals plurals pluralself
multi/multi multi multi multis multis multiself
dy/dyke dy dyke dykes dykes dykeself
ma/smart ma smart smarts smarts smartself
wa/watt wa watt waterm watermelon watermelonself
thin/thim thin thim thir thirs thimself
patch/patch patch patch patchx patchxs patchsxlf
vut/vut vut vut vuts vuts vutself
vut/vuts vut vuts vuts vuts vutself
chey/chem chey chem cheir cheirs chemself
be/ber be ber bis bis bisself
hex/hex hex hex hex' hex' hexxelf
le/lim le lim lis lir limself
vxy/vxm vxy vxm vxr vxrs vxmself
straw/berry straw berry strawberrys strawberrys strawberryself
meh/meh meh meh mehs mehs mehself
ani/anim ani anim animals animals animalself
mo/gai mo gai mogai mogais mogaiself
kya/kya kya kya kyas kyas kyaself
mu/musi mu musi music musics musicself
fix/fix fix fix fixs fixs fixself
mii/miir mii miir miir miirs miirself
woo/wool woo wool wools wools woolself
sheep/sheep sheep sheep sheeps sheeps sheepself
ring/ring ring ring rings rings ringself
pol/polyb pol polyb polybi polybius polybiuself
amp/amper amp amper sand sands ampersandself
and/and and and ands ands andself
tey/tem tey tem teir teirs temself
.mi/.mid .mi .mid .midi .midis .midiself
eye/strain eye strain eyes strains eyestrainself
ca/cav ca cav cadav cadavers cadaverself
bee/beep bee beep dee dees bpdself
arcade/arcem arcade arcem arcades arcades arcadeself
syl/sylv syl sylv sylvs sylvs sylvself
fel/feli fel feli felis felis feliself
It/It It It It Its Itself
fae/faem fae faem faer faers faeself
shy/hyr shy hyr hyr hyrs hyrself
vhe/vher vhe vher vheir vheirs vherself
0/0r 0 0r 0r 0rs 0self
pup/pups pup pups pups pups pupself
po/pom po pom pos pos poself
hie/hir hie hir hier hiers hirself
va/vaem va vaem vare vares vabself
to/toad to toad toads toads toadself
fre/fir fre fir feir feirs ferself
ea/er ea er erre erres erself
the/thim the thim thir thirs thimself
cat/cats cat cats cats cats catself
ax/axo ax axo axol axols axolotlself
Sy/Syx Sy Syx Syxx Syxxs Syxself
rat/rat rat rat rats rats ratself
rat/rats rat rats rats rats ratself
Mew/Meow Mew Meow Mews Meows Meowself
Comrade/Comrade Comrade Comrade Comrades Comrade’s Comradeself
for/forest for forest forests forests forestself
fi/fire fi fire fires fires fireself
wy/wyv wy wyv wyvern wyverns wyvernself
euph/euphonium euph euphonium euphs euphoniums euphoniumself
bar/bari bar bari baritone baritones baritoneself
tromb/trombone tromb trombone trombones trombones tromboneself
pyr/pyro pyr pyro pyrs pyros pyroself
kni/knight kni knight knights knights knightself
fli/flight fli flight flights flights flightself
pubby/pubby pubby pubby pubbys pubbys pubbyself
dead/dead dead dead deads deads deadself
grime/grime grime grime grimes grimes grimeself
survivor/survivor survivor survivor survivors survivors survivorself
officer/officer officer officer officers officers officerself
giggle/giggle giggle giggle giggles giggles giggleself
lol/lol lol lol lols lols lolself
joke/joke joke joke jokes jokes jokeself
Adorbz/Adorbz Adorbz Adorbz Aborbz’ Adorbz’ Adorbzelf
theri/ther theri ther ther theria therianself
pro/proc pro proc yons cyons procyself
pra/pras pra pras pras praseos praseoself
voi/void voi void voids voids voidself
lo/loo lo loo loops loops loopself
jo/jot jo jot jotunns jotunns jotunnself
red/red red red redr redrs redself
bee/bem bee bem bee bees beeself
x9/x9 x9 x9 x9s x9s x9self
sy/sky sy sky skys skys skyself
xo/xox xo xox xox xoxs xoxself
sol/sun sol sun suns suns sunself
wy/wir wy wir wire wires wirself
lan/tern lan tern terns terns lanternself
kan/kandi kan kandi kandi kandis kandiself
fleur/fleur fleur fleur fleurs fleurs fleurself
ae/ae ae ae aes aes aeself
sie/sier sie sier sier siers sierself
fei/fein fei fein feir feirs feinself
pri/prin pri prin prinz prinz prinzelf
Four/Four Four Four Fourth Fourths Fourthself
fang/fang fang fang fangs fangs fangself
zae/zaer zae zaer zaer zaers zaerself
zom/zom zom zom zoms zoms zomself
gir/gir gir gir girs girs girself
wir/worm wir worm worms worms wormself
teddy/teddy teddy teddy teddybear teddybears teddybearself
rot/rot rot rot rots rots rotself
la/lace la lace laces laces laceself
au/aur au aur auras auras auraself
xe/xir xe xir xirz xirz xirself
en/by en by enbys enbys enbyself
spi/spin spi spin spinel spinel spinelself
quee/queer quee queer queers queers queerself
geo/geode geo geode geodes geodes geodeself
fie/fire fie fire fires fires fireself
rae/ren rae ren rae raes renself
xei/xev xei xev xeis xeis xevself
phy/phym phy phym phym phyms phymself
punk/punk punk punk punk’s punks punkself
ve/ven ve ven vens vens venself
xe/xer xe xer xer xers xerself
se/ser se ser ser sers serself
whisp/whisp whisp whisp whisps whisps whisperself
hum/hum hum hum hums hums humself
lae/lace lae lace lais lais laceself
fuz/fuzz fuz fuzz fuzzes fuzzes fuzzself
ny/nym ny nym nym nyms nymself
Stag/Stags Stag Stags Stag Stag's Stagself
si/sin si sin sin sins sinself
de/dev de dev devil devils devilself
rawr/rawr rawr rawr rawrz rawr's rawrself
trick/treat trick treat tricks treats trickself/treatself
Hop/Lop Hop Lop Bun Rens Hopself
Foe/Foe Foe Foe Foe's Foe's Foeself
fi/fizzy fi fizzy fizz fizz fizzself
fi/fizz fi fizz fizz fizz fizzself
irk/irk irk irk irks irks irkself
py/pyr py pyr pyr pyrs pyreself
gli/glitch gli glitch glitches glitches glitchself
la/stel la stel stels stels stellaself
zy/zyn zy zyn zyns zyns zynself
ae/av ae av aer aers avself
co/com co com cor cors corpself
vo/vome vo vome vome vos vomeself
vo/void vo void voir voirs voidself
Ber/Berry Ber Berry Berrys Berrys Berryself
Char/Char Char Char Char's Charlie's Charlieself
sqid/squid sqid squid squids squids squidself
oct/oct oct oct octs octs octoself
vee/veem vee veem veemo veemos veemoself
splats/splat splats splat splats splats splatself
Ceph/Ceph Ceph Ceph Cephs Cephs Cephself
neb/nebula neb nebula nebus nebus nebulaself
fluff/fluff fluff fluff fluffs fluffs fluffself
dis/disease dis disease diseases diseases dseaself
ay/am ay am ayr ayrs ayrself
No/Non No Non Nons Nons Nonself
Bun/Bunny Bun Bunny Bunnys Bunnys Bunself
woom/woomy woom woomy woomys woomy's woomyself
Avi/Avian Avi Avian Avians Avians Avianself
Dra/Drag Dra Drag Dragons Dragons Dragonself
oce/ocem oce ocem oces oces oceanself
hae/hae hae hae haes haes haloself
dia/diam dia diam dias dias diaself
Stag/Stag Stag Stag Stag's Stag's Stagself
Ree/Ree Ree Ree Ree's Ree's Reeself
Scree/Scree Scree Scree Scree's Scree's Screeself
E/Eem E Eem Eem's Eem's Eemself
core/core core core cores cores coreself
kandi/kandi kandi kandi kandis kandis kandiself
rave/rave rave rave raves raves raveself
emo/emo emo emo emos emos emoself
ke/chem ke chem chems chems chemicalself
in/inv in inv invas invas invaderself
pon/zi pon zi pons zis ponziself
rofl/rofl rofl rofl rofls rofls roflself
ka/kan ka kan kans kans kandiself
Pan/Pand Pan Pand Panda Pandas Pandaself
Cass/Cass Cass Cass Cassi Cassis Cassiusself
c/Cass c Cass Cassi Cassis Cassiuself
sta/static sta static stas statics staticself
cryp/cryp cryp cryp crypts crypts cryptidself
Cas/Cas Cas Cas Casi Casis Cassiuself
gut/gut gut gut guts guts gutself
rai/rai rai rai rains rains rainself
.exe/.exe .exe .exe .exes .exes .exeself
et/ete et ete etes etes eteself
eche/veria eche veria ver veries echeself
Jul/Jul Jul Jul Juli Juli Julietself
sie/sie sie sie ihr ihrs sich
hen/hen hen hen hens hens henself
vam/vamp vam vamp vamps vamps vampself
er/eri er eri eris eris eriself
purr/purr purr purr purrs purrs purrself
byte/byte byte byte bytes bytes byteself
ic/ice ic ice icy icy iceself
thy/thyn thy thyn thy thy thyself
x3/x3 x3 x3 x3s x3s x3self
dei/dei dei dei deis deis deiself
au/auti au auti autis autis autiself
owo/owo owo owo owos owos owoself
ne/nep ne nep nept neps nepself
faun/faun faun faun fauns fauns faunself
plum/plum plum plum plums plums plumself
fun/fun fun fun funs funs funself
xae/xaem xae xaem xaes xaes xaeself
vo/voi vo voi voix voix voiself
hu/hush hu hush hushs hushs hushself
ce/cir ce cir cirs cirs cirself
su/sucre su sucre cres cres sucreself
lu/luna lu luna luns lunas lunaself
ga/gal ga gal gala galax galaself
pi/pi pi pi piscs piscs pisceself
umb/umber umb umber umber umbers umberself
mye/myr mye myr myr myrs myrself
goo/goo goo goo goos goos gooself
sof/soft sof soft softs softs softself
ae/em ae em aes aes aemself
ci/ciph ci ciph cipher ciphers cipherself
uwu/uwu uwu uwu uwus uwus uwuself
Fae/Fem Fae Fem Faer Faers Faerself
am/amo am amo amor amors amorself
lo/love lo love loves loves loveself
lo/lov lo lov love loves loveself
mo/mem mo mem moth moths mothself
mo/moth mo moth moths moths mothself
scene/scene scene scene scenes scenes sceneself
aer/aer aer aer aer aers aerself
ae/aes ae aes aes aes aeself
paw/paw paw paw paws paws pawself
fe/ler fe ler ler lers lerself
sh*/h*r sh* h*r h*r h*rs h*rself
kai/kaim kai kaim kais kais kaiself
hy/hymn hy hymn hymns hymns hymnself
hen/henom hen henom hens hens hen själv
he/hel he hel hells hells hellself
fri/fer fri fer frid frida fridayself
flutter/shy flutter shy flutters flutters flutterself
fla/flag fla flag flags flags flagself
fi/fidge fi fidge fidges fidges fidgetself
fern/fern fern fern ferns ferns fernself
eu/euro eu euro euros euros euroself
ember/ember ember ember embers embers emberself
dem/demon dem demon demons demons demonself
de/dea de dea death deaths deathself
dan/dango dan dango dans dans dangoself
da/dan da dan dance dances danceself
cute/cute cute cute cutes cutes cuteself
ci/cin ci cin cinns cinns cinnself
bloo/blook bloo blook blooks blooks blookself
ab/abba ab abba abbas abbas abbaself
tric/trick tric trick tricks tricks trickself
sheri/sheriff sheri sheriff sheriffs sheriffs sheriffself
pip/pip pip pip pips pips pipself
pix/pixel pix pixel pixels pixels pixelself
Shad/Shade Shad Shade Shader Shaders Shadeself
Ni/Nigh Ni Nigh Night Nights Nightself
Is/Im Is Im Iir Iirs Immel
caw/crow caw crow caws caws crowself
corrupt/corrupt corrupt corrupt corrupts corrupts corruptself
deca/decay deca decay decays decays decayself
hunt/hunt hunt hunt hunts hunts huntself
ey/eye ey eye eyes eyes eyeself
dea/death dea death deaths deaths deathself
haun/haunt haun haunt haunts haunts hauntself
gun/gun gun gun guns guns gunself
claw/claw claw claw claws claws clawself
blee/bleed blee bleed bleeds bleeds bleedself
bloo/blood bloo blood bloods bloods bloodself
god/god god god gods gods godself
clown/clown clown clown clowns clowns clownself
disc/discord disc discord discords discords discordself
chao/chaos chao chaos chaos chaos chaoself
gore/gore gore gore gores gores goreself
end/ender end ender enders enders enderself
trick/trick trick trick tricks tricks trickself
crypt/cryptid crypt cryptid cryptids cryptids cryptidself
freak/freak freak freak freaks freaks freakself
wolf/wolf wolf wolf wolfs wolfs wolfself
bow/bow bow bow bows bows bowself
end/end end end ends ends endself
e/hir e hir hir hirs hirself
:3/:3 :3 :3 :3s :3s :3self
mob/mob mob mob mobs mobs mobself
rabbi/rabbit rabbi rabbit rabbits rabbits rabbitself
hab/habit hab habit habits habits habitself
rodent/rodent rodent rodent rodents rodents rodentself
rod/rodent rod rodent rodents rodents rodentself
fur/fur fur fur furs furs furself
racc/raccoon racc raccoon raccoons raccoons raccoonself
racc/raccoons racc raccoons racc raccoons raccoonself
nya/nya nya nya nya nyas nyaself
cy/cyb cy cyb cyber cybers cyberself
vix/vixen vix vixen vixens vixens vixenself
rabi/rabid rabi rabid rabids rabids rabidself
rab/rabie rab rabie rabies rabies rabieself
cu/cubu cu cubu cubu cubus cubusself
Fa/Falle Fa Falle Falle Falles Fallenself
vy/vym vy vym vyr vyrs vyself
.doc/.doc .doc .doc .docs .docs .docself
squi/squish squi squish squishes squishes squishself
kin/kin kin kin kins kins kinself
ko/ik ko ik ki kos koiself
he/her he her her his herself
she/him she him his hers himself
ba/bat ba bat bats bats batself
walk/walk walk walk walkers walkers walkerself
zomb/zomb zomb zomb zombs zombies zombself
corp/corpse corp corpse corpse corpses corpself
corps/corps corps corps corpses corpses corpself
hei/heim hei heim heir heirs heimself
rot/rots rot rots rots rots rotself
si/sidhe si sidhe sidhes sidhes sidheself
cor/corv cor corv corvs corvs corvidself
ri/ribb ri ribb ribbits ribbits ribbitself
vi/viv vi viv vivs vivs viviself
li/lumi li lumi lumis lis lumiself
⚣/⚣ ⚣s ⚣s ⚣self
⚲/⚲ ⚲s ⚲s ⚲self
dai/dai dai dai daiz daiz daizelf
see/seer see seer seers seers seerself
hop/hop hop hop hops hops hopself
n3/n1m n3 n1m n15 n15 n1m531f
ȝhey/ȝhem ȝhey ȝhem ȝheir ȝheirs ȝhemself
bit/bit bit bit bits bits bitself
flor/flora flor flora floras flors floraself
]/] ] ] ]s ]s ]self
bai/bai bai bai bayou's youns bayouenself
jo/joi jo joi jois jois joiself
pep/pip pep pip pips peps pepself
ay/air ay air arei dose areiadōself
splash/splish splash splish splosh splish splishself
gi/grr gi grr grr grrs grrself
kyuu/kyuu kyuu kyuu kyuus kyuus kyuuself
ai/ain ai ain ains ains ainself
et/et et et ets ets etself
e/im e im is is isself
ce/cim ce cim cys cys cimself
mae/maer mae maer maer maers maerself
Stick/Stickers Stick Stickers Sticks Sticks Stickself
Sea/Sear Sea Sear Seas Seas Seaself
Ra/Rat Ra Rat Rats Rats Ratself
cri/cryp cri cryp cryps cryptis cryptidself
be/beo be beo wulf wulfs beowulfself
sy/syn sy syn synth synths synthself
poss/possum poss possum possums possums opossumself
fo/for fo for fores forest forestself
ey/em ey em eir eir emself
ee/im ee im is is imself
✨/✨ ✨s ✨s ✨self
gli/glim gli glim glims glims glimself
mint/mint mint mint mints mints mintself
myu/myur myu myur myur myurs myurself
mo/moch mo moch mochi mochis mochiself
Sak/Ura Sak Ura Ura Uras Sakuraself
fawn/fawn fawn fawn fawn fawns fawnself
hi/hime hi hime hime himes himeself
nov/nova nov nova nova novas novaself
sta/star sta star star stars starself
ne/neon ne neon neons neons neonself
mi/mist mi mist mists mists mistself
se/sym se sym syr syrs symself
ve/vir ve vir vir virs virself
an/xi an xi ety etys xiself
Alo/One Alo One Alon Alons Aloneself
fae/fae fae fae faer faers faeself
meo/meow meo meow meow meows meowself
Bell/Bell Bell Bell Bells Bells Bellself
Dulce/Dulce Dulce Dulce Dulces Dulces Dulceself
Moo/Moo Moo Moo Moos Moos Mooself
Pep/Pep Pep Pep Peps Peps Pepself
div/div div div divs divs divself
✨/✨s ✨s ✨s ✨s ✨self
woof/woofs woof woofs woofs woofs woofself
bi/birch bi birch bir birs birchself
rev/rever rev rever rie ries reverself
rau/aur rau aur ror rora auroraself
rai/rain rai rain rains rains rainself
so/sol so sol sols sols solaireself
lav/laven lav laven lavend lavends lavendself
pi/pin pi pin pine pines pineself
hyt/yim hyt yim yis yis yimself
ath/athyr ath athyr athyrs athyrs athyrself
ith/imth ith imth irth irth imthself
be/bet be bet geu geuse betelgeuseself
kei/kem kei kem keir keirs kemself
ve/vym ve vym vyr vyrs vymself
dea/deam dea deam deas deams deaself
gol/gold gol gold golds golds goldself
plur/plur plur plur plurs plurs plurself
hi/hem hi hem hes hes hemself
ci/cen ci cen cen cens cenself
en/en en en ens ens enself
sol/sol sol sol sols sols solself
hey/hem hey hem heir heirs hemself
vie/vyr vie vyr vem vers vemself
ve/vim ve vim vis vis vimself
thone/thone thone thone thones thones thoneself
caet/caet caet caet caets caets caetself
cae/caem cae caem caer caers caemself
cae/caer cae caer caer caers caerself
vae/vaer vae vaer vaer vaers vaerself
Ci/Cem Ci Cem Cen Cens Cenself
one/one one one one's one's oneself
eth/eth eth eth eths eths ethself
cele/cele cele cele celes celes celeself
Vul/Vulp Vul Vulp Vulps Vulps Vulpself
xie/xer xie xer xer xers xerself
fey/feym fey feym feir feirs feirself
kit/kit kit kit kits kits kitself
si/hyr si hyr hyr hyrs hyrself
zie/hir zie hir hir hirs hirself
zee/zed zee zed zeta zetas zedself
zme/zmyr zme zmyr zmyr zmyrs zmyrself
se/sim se sim ser sers serself
ze/mer ze mer zer zers zemself
zie/zem zie zem zes zes zirself
zie/zir zie zir zir zirs zirself
jee/jem jee jem jeir jeirs jemself
peh/pehm peh pehm peh's peh's pehself
sie/hir sie hir hir hirs hirself
thon/thon thon thon thons thons thonself
ip/ip ip ip ips ips ipself
Pronouns not listed?
Our goal is to be the most inclusive pronouns list and to help people understand the meanings and usage of pronouns. Submit a pronoun

What are personal pronouns?

Personal pronouns are words that refer to someone without using their name. They can be used to refer to people’s gender identity, regardless of their assigned sex at birth. In the LGBTQ+ community, personal pronouns are often used to demonstrate respect and inclusion. For example, someone who is gender non-binary may use the pronouns "they/them" instead of "he/him" or "she/her." Someone who is transgender may use the pronouns "he/him" or "she/her" instead of the pronouns that correspond to the gender they were assigned at birth. Using the correct personal pronouns is a way to show respect for someone’s gender identity, regardless of the sex they were assigned at birth. It is important to be mindful of using the correct pronouns for someone, as using the wrong pronouns can be deeply hurtful and invalidating. It's always a good idea to ask someone which pronouns they use, and use those pronouns consistently when referring to them. Doing so can help create a safe and inclusive space for all people, regardless of their gender identity

What are neopronouns?

Neopronouns are a type of gender-neutral pronouns that are used to refer to someone without specifying gender. They are a way of expressing gender without traditional gender pronouns like he, she, him, and her. Neopronouns are often used by members of the LGBTQ community who are non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, or agender. Neopronouns are incredibly varied and numerous. Some of the most common neopronouns include: They/them/theirs, Ze/hir/hirs, Per/per/pers, Ey/em/eirs, Ve/ver/vis, Xe/xem/xyrs, Ze/zir/zirs. When using neopronouns, it's important to be respectful and mindful of them. It's also important to know that not everyone in the LGBTQ community chooses to use neopronouns, so it's important to always ask for someone's preferred pronouns before assuming. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone has the right to identify themselves however they choose and it is never ok to invalidate someone's gender identity.

Understanding the challenges the LGBTQ+ community face

The LGBTQ community is a diverse group of people who have faced many challenges throughout history. Discrimination, marginalization, and violence are just a few of the struggles that LGBTQ individuals have had to endure. Despite increased visibility and rights in recent years, there are still many obstacles that LGBTQ people face.One of the most common issues that LGBTQ individuals face is discrimination in the workplace. Despite the fact that many countries have laws protecting people from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, there are still cases of employers who discriminate against LGBTQ people. This can range from refusing to hire someone to firing someone for being openly LGBTQ. The lack of protection for LGBTQ workers can lead to economic hardship, as well as feelings of insecurity and isolation. Another major challenge that LGBTQ individuals face is violence. LGBTQ people are more likely to experience physical and verbal violence than their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts. This violence can range from verbal harassment to physical assault. Unfortunately, many of these incidents go unreported due to fear of further discrimination or even retaliation.Finally, LGBTQ individuals often face mental health issues due to the discrimination they face. Studies have found that LGBTQ people are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, as well as higher rates of substance abuse and suicide